16010 CRENSHAW BLVD. SUITE K GARDENA, CA 90249 | TEL (424) 329-0237


Pastor Maurice Ingram is from South Central Los Angeles, California born in 1969 raised to a single mother Barbara Ann Jackson in a Christian home. Maurice attended Full Gospel Missionary Baptist and was baptized under Pastor Johnny Hitchen. Maurice served as an usher at Full Gospel and developed a love for serving God’s people. In 1992 Maurice give his life to Christ while signing at rehearsal for the R&B Group “Proud Of It”. In 1993 Maurice received his calling to the ministry.
Maurice has been of assistance to many churches by way of praise and worship or just filling their pulpit to minister to the lives of people by word knowledge and prophecy. Maurice went on to become the Armorbearer for Bishop Tonya Guillory, Pastor Assistant for Mt Aaron Christian Center Pastor Albert, Praise and Worship Leader for Greater United Faith Apostolic and Another Level Ministries. In 2015 Maurice found another passion and became a Foster Parent and holds a current parental status to help children in need of a home.
In 2012 Pastor Maurice took the biggest leap of faith and started what has become one of the best churches in Los Angeles “He Saw The Best In Me Whole Deliverance Ministries”.
The Reverend Jonathan Hemphill is the founder of Another Level Ministries. Jonathan grew up in Southern California. He came to know the Lord through his mother, who even though she did not attend church regularly, sent him and his siblings to church. His mother eventually came to know the Lord as a result of his relationship with Christ. During Pastor Jonathan’s teenage years, he fell away making inappropriate choices for his life. Through adolescence and his early twenties he experimented with clubs and promiscuity. However, Jonathan felt the hand of God tug at his heart and lead him to a new path. As with anything, when Jesus is put aside, life has a way of steering you back to your first love. Through trials and waywardness, Jonathan came to know that “for Christ we live and for Christ we die.”
It was in 2003 when Jonathan received his calling to ordained ministry. His educational pursuits led him to study at The Southern California School of Ministry to further pursue a degree from The King’s College and Seminary in Theology with an emphasis in Biblical Counseling.Over the last eight years, God has done amazing things through Pastor Jonathan’s ministry, in and beyond the church walls. Lives have been saved, relationships have been restored, the Truth has been preached, and God’s presence has been felt. In the words of Jonathan, “I was born to help shape people’s lives toward Christ. My purpose and destiny is tied to those who need to know that God has more for each individual. Like John the Baptist, ‘I am the voice crying out for such a time as this.’” Jonathan’s ministry extends the scope of ministry to real people, with real needs, met by real Jesus, with
real answers. He is frequently sought after for his leadership development and training. God is grooming him to be a brilliant pastoral figure for this generation.
Jonathan offers youth and young adults principles that can be applied through Biblical instruction with practical application. He has served in various roles throughout his tenure in Christian ministry. He recently accepted a call as the Assistant to the Bishop over Congregational Life in he Southeastern Synod, serving under the leadership of Bishop Kevin Stickland. He is very excited for his new journey and is also excited for the growth of Another Level.